cervigrip colpowave colpotomizer
cervigrip colpowave colpotomizercolpowave colpotomizercolpowave colpotomizer

CerviGrip Uterine Manipulator



CerviGrip is designed to work with ColpoWave colpotomizer to enable cervical fixation and uterine manipulation by either the surgical assistant, or directly by the surgeon if the SurgiAssist Uterine Positioner is deployed during the procedure

  • sterile & single-use
  • atraumatic anchoring
  • adjustable & lockable metal tip
  • Syringe port for hydrotubation
  • Built-in tenaculum holder

The CerviGrip screws securely into the cervix and provides atraumatic anchoring. The adjustable & lockable metal tip fits all uterine lengths and extends to the fundus under laparoscopic vision to enable optimal uterine mobilisation as required during the procedure. Predictable uterine and ureteric distances can be maintained. CerviGrip enables easy removal of uterus & fallopian tubes after hysterectomy.

TLH Made Easy with ColpoWave Colpotomizer

SurgiAssist Laparoscopic Camera Holder

SurgiAssist Uterine Positioner (Assistant)

Laparoscopic Suturing in 2 Steps – Vaginal Cuff

The SurgiTools range of surgical gynaecology instrumentation is designed for Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy & Laparoscopically Assisted Vaginal Hysterectomy.

CerviGrip Uterine Manipulator is designed for use with ColpoWave, the world’s first colpotomizer with a 20mm oncology margin.

We also offer the SurgiAssist Uterine Positioner, a popular and valuable mechanical assistant enabling the surgeon to perform the procedure with fewer staff/alone, therefore reducing the overall procedure cost.

The SurgiAssist Laparoscopic Camera Holder can be used during TLH, Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy and other general surgical procedures, plus all laparoscopic urological procedures, colon resection and other gastro-intestinal/colorectal procedures.

SAcamera holder
Laparoscopic Camera Holder
Order CodeDescriptionItems per box
SGT7001Surgitools ColpoWave Colpotomizer CWD6
SGT7002Surgitools ColpoWave Balloon (accessory supplied with Colpowave) CBD6
SGT7003Surgitools CerviGrip Uterine Manipulator CGD6